Directed by Julia Head, this bold production will be a relentless unfolding of the world’s most famous love story, set against the violent chaos of this broken world.
Hoteliers in Bristol have made a fresh plea to the Government to extend the current reduced rate of VAT for their businesses, which face a bleak start to 2022.
Commuter traffic and carbon emissions are set to reduce in in Lyncombe Vale, Perrymead and Greenway Lane in Bath when a new Residents’ Parking Zone comes into force on January 20.
A major new commission by LA-based artist Candice Lin that expands her ongoing research into marginalised histories, colonial legacies and the materials that link them.
Nosferasta is the first iteration of a Rastafarian vampire film project starring and co-written by Oba, a Trinidadian artist and musician based in Brooklyn.