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Welcome to Travel Trade Ready.
Travel Trade Ready is a platform designed to support any business looking to work more effectively with the Travel Trade.
It provides a combination of learning through video and a comprehensive jargon buster. A series of short tests analyse how your business aligns against the ten key criteria of a variety of buyers that you would like to consider working with. Travel Trade Ready is a unique and powerful tool.
Once you have received your business analysis score and advice, you will be able to build trade-friendly marketing materials directly on the platform that can be downloaded, shared or updated at any time.
The platform also allows you to search for and be searched for by suitable buyers that you will be able to develop working relationships with.
Trave Trade Ready is completely free for you to use and you can take as many businesses assessments as you want to – saving your progress and being able to see your information at any time on your password protected dashboard.
A video walkthrough guide on how to use Travel Trade Ready can be found here.
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