We are all about working with others. One of the key objectives of Visit West is to bring together all the businesses working in, or who the potential to benefit from the visitor economy to provide routes to market, and ways to connect to visitors and the travel, tourism and business events industry.
Our membership offers a one stop shop to access our programmes, with a tiered level to enable businesses to choose which level of support and engagement works for them. This can be simply access to consumer marketing, right through to a more strategic partnership.
We regularly work with other destinations, travel partners and agencies in delivering content and campaigns. This can either be on behalf of the region, for individual destinations or on a particular theme.
The Visit Bristol and Visit Bath consumer brands have extensive digital reach, whether from the websites themselves, consumer newsletters or social channels. These brands offer great potential for consumer partnerships.
We also have our convention bureau, Meet Bristol and Bath working across the business events market. The Meet Bristol and Bath Convention Bureau are able to help if you’re looking to bring an event to the region and need practical advice, or if you are putting together a major bid and need solutions for meeting space and delegate accommodation.
We have a programme of activity with the Travel Trade. As well as providing information for the Travel Trade, we can also help businesses wanting to learn more about working with the trade to develop new routes to market.
We have a professional media and communications team who can help with information about the region and its destinations, either with the latest information, what’s new or if you’re interested in press and media trips.
If you’re developing a business or an idea that you’d like to speak to us about, or you’re in need of some help regards the local visitor economy, then it’s always worth getting in touch. We can also help with bids where you may need destination information or supporting partners, or perhaps statistical information about visitors to the region. We’ll do our best to help where we can, or signpost you to other organisations who may also be able to help.