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Find out more about the Terrorism (Protection of Premises) draft Bill, also known as Martyn’s Law. It sets outs what organisations and businesses need to do to make their venue safer for customers. Below we have detailed how it may affect your business, with links to more information including factsheets, good pratice and seminars.
The Terrorism (Protection of premises) draft Bill, also known as 'Martyn’s Law' in tribute to Martyn Hett, who was tragically killed alongside 21 others in the Manchester Arena terrorist attack in 2017. Martyn’s Law will enhance public safety by ensuring there is better preparedness for, and protection from, terrorist attacks at public venues. The legislation seeks to ensure a consistent level of protection and preparedness across the UK. It will require those responsible for certain premises and events to consider the risk from terrorism and how they would respond to a terrorist attack.
Read the Home Office 'Martyn's Law Factsheet here.
The Bill will require certain venues to fulfil necessary but proportionate steps according to their capacity to mitigate the impact of a terrorist attack and reduce harm. The duties that premises will have will depend on the size of the venue. Premises and events with a capacity of 800 or above will be in the enhanced tier, while premises with a capacity of 100 to 799 will be in the standard tier.
Find out more about Martyn's Law and what you need to know on ProtectUK here.
Martyn’s Law, has recently completed pre-legislative scrutiny via the Home Affairs Select Committee and is awaiting introduction to Parliament – the draft provisions in the Bill are not yet law and are subject to change.
Until the Bill receives Royal Assent, there are plenty of things you can do to begin to develop a good security culture. A good security culture is about considering proportionate measures and activities, which, if done well, enhance the experience of visitors at public places, and do not impact on accessibility or personal freedoms. Achieving the right balance is about employing the right staff, getting training, systems, and processes right, and having appropriate guidance to know that you are doing the right things to achieve outcomes sought.
Find out more about Good security practice on ProtectUK here.
To enhance understanding of the requirements within the legislation, the Martyn’s Law Team in the Home Office will be hosting information sessions on the application of the Standard Tier (capacity 100-799). These sessions will take place in the coming months. If you would like to attend a future session, please email
For the most up to date information, please refer to ProtectUK -
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