Following the success of renowned Escape Rooms Victor’s Lair and The Shallows, plus the sinister interactive group puzzle The Body In A Suitcase, Mary Shelley’s House of Frankenstein has created a new festive family game, "The Gift." An intriguing, hands-on and highly entertaining puzzle-based game for up to six players, The Gift launches on 1 December 2024 - but be warned, not all good things come in small packages.
A frightful package awaits you at The House of Frankenstein….will you uncover its menacing contents? You have just 45 minutes to learn The Gift’s dark secret and discover where you fit into this most ghastly of Christmas tales!
The Gift is a hands-on, multi-layered, puzzle-based challenge for groups of up to 6 players, including children with a recommended age of 12 and up. The game comes complete with seasonal trimmings including a festive drink for each player and your own Gothic Elf for help!
Image: The Gift at Mary Shelley's House of Frankenstein
The Gift launches to the public on the 1 December 2024. Prices start at £13.50* per person (without entry to Mary Shelley’s House of Frankenstein’s award-winning Museum) and from £21.00* per person including full Museum entry. Prices are based on 6 players when booking online. Booking fees apply.
The Gift Escape Game opens to the public on 1 December 2024 and the experience takes up to 45 minutes. Tickets and further information are available at
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