In BristolNews

The Bristol Improv Theatre has announced that they have exceeded the £20,000 target of their ‘Save The Bristol Improv Theatre’ campaign, ensuring that the venue will remain open. The additional funds they have raised will go towards making the building more accessible and spreading the joy of improvised theatre to more people.

The Bristol Improv Theatre launched their ‘Save the Bristol Improv Theatre’ fundraising campaign in July in a bid to save the venue from closing. Whilst they had recently become a charity, the theatre was at risk of closure as early as September due to increased costs and reduced audience spend amidst the cost of living crisis. Since then, the organisation has been overwhelmed with support from its local community, improvisers from across the world and arts supporters within Bristol. They have garnered nearly 300 individual donations, amounting to over £25,000, including an anonymous £5,000 donation through Charities Aid Foundation.

Image: The Unscripted Players at The Bristol Improv Theatre, credit Lee Pullen Photography

Kierann Shah, Artistic Director of the Bristol Improv Theatre has said: “It’s hard to express in words how relieved and grateful we are to have achieved our target, thanks to the support and generosity of so many people. There’s a tradition that’s common amongst improv performers of telling each other “got your back” before a show - no-one knows exactly what will happen so supporting each other is key. The experience of the fundraiser has shown that there is a community out there that has our back, and wants us to succeed. To everyone who has supported us in any way: we see you, we appreciate you, thank you for having our back!”

Image: The Bristol Improv Theatre

The Bristol Improv Theatre is currently in the process of making changes to its internal operations to ensure the organisation can operate sustainably in the long term. However, the funds they have raised as part of the campaign will guarantee their doors will stay open through the Autumn and Winter. The additional funds over their £20,000 target will be allocated towards making their building’s public spaces more accessible, expanding their community work across Bristol and becoming a hub for developing new improvised theatre performances.

While the ‘Save the Bristol Improv Theatre’ campaign has come to an end, the Bristol Improv Theatre wants to remind people of the importance of continuing to support their venue, and other arts organisations across Bristol, to ensure they remain open for years to come. They encourage people to become regular donors (if they are able to), to keep attending their shows and classes and to continue spreading the word of their work throughout Bristol and the UK. 




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