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A new footbridge that will reinstate an important link in the pedestrian route around Keynsham Memorial Park is due to be lifted into place in June.

Preparatory works ahead of installation of the replacement footbridge over the weir began this week.

The new bridge deck has been made off-site of a polymer that is resistant to damp river environments and is a more sustainable form of construction with lower maintenance requirements. It is scheduled to be installed in mid-June.

The previous bridge was demolished earlier this year after closing to the public in 2019 due to the deterioration of its timber beams rendering it unsafe.

The replacement bridge is expected to open to the public in July, dependent on favourable weather conditions for the works to progress as planned.

The children’s playpark at Bath Hill and the entrance at Avon Mill Lane will remain closed during the works.

Councillor Kevin Guy, Leader of Bath & North East Somerset Council said: “It is exciting that we are getting closer to the new bridge arriving on site. It’s going to make a real difference to people to be able to cross the river again and get back to using this part of the pedestrian route around the park. Thank you for your patience while the project is completed.”

Other improvements planned for Keynsham Memorial Park include addressing the flooding under Echo Bridge earlier this year. The council is also currently exploring provision of an indoor or covered café space, improved natural landscape and better play facilities for all ages, after a public survey carried out in 2022 identified these as areas for improvement. The survey report can be viewed here




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