Raine Allen-Miller's feature directorial debut, Rye Lane - a charming take on the modern-day rom-com, based in South London is taking Bristol audiences by storm as it heads towards the end of its 6th consecutive week at Watershed.
Cinema Curator Mark Cosgrove said: "Sometimes it can take a while for films to find their audience, but when it happens it is such a great experience especially for a cinema. Positive word-of-mouth is gold dust and this is what has happened with Rye Lane at Watershed."
"Now In its 6th week with us, it is great to see audiences are still discovering the delightful charms of this new British film."
Watershed's belief in the value and importance of small independent films has come to the fore with Rye Lane as an homage to Peckham and the surrounding areas, with word of mouth carrying it confidently into its 6th week and beyond.
Roger Griffith MBE, (Hon Art.D.) Honorary Doctor of Arts describes Allen-Miller's debut as: "A heart-warming slice of Black Joy in this colourful coupling of two non-conventional South-Londoners. A British Rom-Com as we’ve never been shown and enjoyed before."
Rye Lane is screening at Watershed until at least Thursday 4 May.
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