Sadiq Ali brings The Chosen Haram, his unique and skilled take on circus, featuring gravity defying tricks and extraordinary movement, to the Ustinov Studio at the Theatre Royal Bath on Saturday 22nd April at 8pm. This emotionally candid show, performed on two Chinese Poles, deals with themes of sexuality, faith, addiction and connection with moments of humour and joy.
The powerful story of two gay men and their chance meeting through a dating app, portrays the highs and lows of their relationship and the barriers they must overcome, both social and cultural, in seeking happiness and personal fulfilment.
Performed by Sadiq Ali and Hauk Pattison, The Chosen Haram is based on a combination of Sadiq’s personal experience, as well as interviews with members of the LGBTQ+ community who identify as (ex) Muslim. A heady mix of love, drugs and Islam, Sadiq’s show explores the personal struggles faced by many people whose upbringing contradicts their personal truths, and how it can lead to self-destructive behaviour.
The Chosen Haram received its debut at the MANIPULATE Festival Edinburgh in 2022, before transferring to the London International Mime Festival for an acclaimed run. It then enjoyed success at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, where it was a hit with critics and audiences alike.
Sadiq Ali is a mixed heritage, queer, circus artist and performance maker who graduated from London’s National Centre for Circus Arts. He has created and worked with contemporary circus companies like Ockhams Razor and Upswing Circus, as well as devising his own full length works. He also regularly performs on the international Cabaret, Variety and Burlesque circuits, where he combines a joyous love for comedy, body expression and representation. Sadiq has also worked as an HIV campaigner on a number of campaigns with organisations like the Terrance Higgins Trust and GMFA after being diagnosed with HIV when he was 24.
The Chosen Haram appears at the Ustinov Studio at the Theatre Royal Bath on Saturday 22nd April. Tickets are on sale at the Theatre Royal Bath Box Office on 01225 448844 and online at
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