In BathNews

Bath & North East Somerset Council is advising people plan their journeys between 3-11 April as a section of A4 between Saltford and Bath will have two-way signals in place to allow Wales & West Utilities to make essential repairs. The works will take place over school half term, when the volume of traffic on the highway is lower than normal, however delays are still expected.

Wales and West Utilities is making repairs to an underground gas pipe, which will involve laying and curing new concrete. This new concrete will need time to cure, and the site may be unattended for a period of time.

A statement from Wales & West Utilities says: “We know that working on roads like these is not ideal, but it really is essential to make sure we keep the gas flowing to homes and businesses in the area, and to make sure the gas network is fit for the future.

“We’re very aware of the effect that our work can have on communities and commuters which is why we’re working closely with Bath & North East Somerset Council to get this essential work done while causing the least inconvenience to the community.”

Two-way signals will be in place from 9:30am Monday 3 April and will remain in place until works are completed early morning Tuesday 11 April. Footways along the road will still be accessible for pedestrians.




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