Spike Island presents Show Me The World Mister, an exhibition by Ayo Akingbade comprising two new film commissions: The Fist and Faluyi. Shot on location in Nigeria, these distinct but interconnected works build upon Akingbade's interest in history, place-making, legacy and power.
The Fist is a study of the first Guinness brewery built outside of the UK and Ireland, located on the outskirts of Lagos. Completed in where histories of colonialism, industrialisation and labour collide. Shot on 35 mm, the film follo ws the comings and goings of workers and their tasks on the assembly and packing lines. Akingbade draws attention to the deep -rooted politics embedded in the production of this popular drink.
Faluyi follows protagonist Ife on a journey tracing familial l egacy and mysticism in ancestral lands. Shot on 16 mm in the Idanre Hills a UNESCO World Heritage site in Ondo State, the birthplace of relationship with Nigeria. Panoramic views of bouldering hills surrounded by dense woodland form the backdrop to this sensitive tale of longing and loss, which eventually turns to hope and celebration.
The two films are presented in the gallery divided by a screen made of aluminium, steel and polycarbonate. This structure resembles the history as a former tea-packing factory.
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