WORKS is part of the Bristol Learning City Partnership and aims to make quality experiences of work and apprenticeships available to every young person. WORKS is building an innovative education, business and community partnership that aims to raise the aspirations of young people and their parents/carers through the development of experience of work opportunities and clear post 16 pathways for all young people.They run a range of workshops and experiences for young people across the region and are currently looking for businesses to support them with the below projects.

If you are interested in getting involved in any of the below or would like some more information on how WORKS could work for your business, then please get in touch with Hayley on

Work Experience Tasters and Workshops: Tuesday 5th - Thursday 7th July

We are looking for employers to run 1-2 hour workshops at Oasis Academy John Williams between Tuesday 5th and Thursday 7th July for groups of 15-20 Year 10 students. There is the option for some of these to run virtually.

We are open how this could run but we would like the session to provide a work experience taster for groups of year 10 students. Ideally the session will consist of an introduction to your business, some icebreaker activities with the students and an understanding of the roles and different pathways within your sector. There would then be a practical activity relating to your field to give the students an experience of work task. This can be supported and developed with WORKS but some suggestions could be a problem solving task relating to a working day, an advertisement design challenge for a product from your company etc. These details can be discussed and developed with WORKS. They are looking for a broad range of sectors and organisations.

Work Experience Tasters and Workshops: Tuesday 28th June

As above but for Bridge Learning Campus Year 10 students. Timings and ask TBC but the school are keen to understand if any organisations would be interested in running small workshops or tasters across this date. They are looking for a broad range of sectors and organisations.

Work Experience Tasters and Workshops: Across June - July

As above but for individuals or groups of up to 6 students in Year 10 or Year 11. This will be supporting a range of learners, some of whom with social, emotional and mental health needs. We have been working with these students for 12 weeks and they are all 15-16 who are keen to put their learning into practice. This could be run as a 1-2 hour work place visit, workshop on school site or as a longer work experience placement of 3 days depending upon what works best for you. WORKS would provide full guidance and support as well as scoping out what this could look like.

Workshops for Young Offenders between May and July

We are looking for employer to run 1 hour sessions on site at a secure unit based in South Gloucestershire for young offenders between May and July. These would be small groups of 2-4 students with school support. We are open to how a session could run but would want it to include a practical, hands on activity and provide information to the young people about realistic career pathways and opportunities for them upon release. If you are an employer who is open to employing ex-offenders and would like to deliver a workshop for this cohort of young people we would love to hear from you!

If you would like to get involved in delivering a session relating to the above please get in touch with the team on as soon as possible.

More information on Bristol WORKS can be found here.




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