In NewsBristol

I hope that you, your families and your colleagues are keeping well during this very challenging period.

I would like to assure you that the whole team at Destination Bristol continues to work hard to support all of our valued members and levy members throughout this crisis and to let you know what you can expect from us in the future.

We are offering membership payment holidays and have been in touch directly with members who were due to be invoiced in April and May 2020. We will review this every month and keep you informed. 

Please remember that we are always here to help you and would like to hear from you if you need any support. Please visit our website to see the huge amount of resources, information and grants which may be of use to you.

Visit Bristol has furloughed some of the team but the wellbeing of all our staff remains very important to us. We have put in place procedures whereby remaining colleagues can work effectively from home providing high levels of service and a quick response to all members’ queries.

While we cannot encourage people to visit at the moment, the Visit Bristol team has come up with many innovative projects to raise the profile of the city and encourage people to plan a visit once we emerge from the crisis. Please follow this link for a recent example.

Destination Bristol has a commitment to supporting Bristol as a whole and I have personally been involved in helping Bristol City Council respond to many current challenges including the housing of homeless people and providing additional support for keyworkers. Thank you to all the hotels who have supported this project.

While the current situation is grave, it is important to recognise that it will not last forever and we must be ready to grasp every opportunity quickly as things improve. Visit Bristol is currently planning for the future and working in partnership with Bristol City Council, WECA, Visit Britain and many others. 

Thank you all again for your continued support, please do keep in touch throughout this difficult period. We are very keen to continue supporting you!

On behalf of all our team, we hope that you stay safe and healthy. Please contact me at any time and I will be in touch again very soon.

John Hirst




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