Evolution, an epic drone light show which promises to take audiences on a mesmerising journey through time and space, takes place this December in Bristol.
In an unexpected turn of events yesterday afternoon, the beloved characters ‘The Grinch’ and ‘Santa Claus’ broke free from Santa's Grotto on The Grand Pier.
Noah’s Ark Zoo Farm, a Zoo and conservation charity based in North Somerset, is getting in the festive swing as hundreds of wonky Christmas trees arrive on site for sale in its farm shop.
Welsh National Opera’s Spring Season opens with two new productions; an operatic favourite from Mozart, and a rare chance to see Britten’s final opera.
As night falls, a colourful glow is emerging from a woodland Christmas Village and its surrounding trees... It must be Enchanted Christmas at Westonbirt, The National Arboretum!
The skies above WWT Slimbridge, in Gloucester, were the focus of everyone’s attention when the site’s much-loved Bewick’s swans began arriving in good numbers.
The third episode in the show's long-awaited 60th anniversary trilogy, ‘The Giggle,' was filmed extensively in Bristol’s Old City last year with support from Bristol Film Office and will premiere on Saturday 9 December.